Wednesday 25 January 2012

Contents Page Improvements

I have edited the section under 'Interviews' to make the writing more eye catching and go with the 'Features' sections.

Article Double Page Edited

I have decided to add effect to the Article Page which represents spotlight and is relevant to the whole story of the artist, in addition to this I have increased the font of the intro in order to make it easier for the audience to read. Also I had to stretch the spotlight effect through both pages in order not to make it look odd.
In order to achieve this effect, I was required to download a photoshop brush which represented spotlight and place this effect into Illustrator.
In addition to this I have made the text smaller font, seeing as when the article will be printed the font '10' I have used before will be too large when printed. This would mean I had to re-arrange the text further to make it more eye catching and change the font of the quotes.