Thursday, 20 October 2011

Music Magazine Cover Page Analysis
The following image is a front cover of a music magazine from which we can get a basic idea of what ‘Exclusive’ and ‘Exciting’ is going to be featured in this magazine. For example ’10 Exclusive Interviews’ with the most known and famous music stars which are presented in red, standing out and largest font in bright red colour in order to attract the audience’s attention if they are interested in any of the following music stars. From this the audience can gather that the magazine features ten articles which give them a variety of choice if they had dislike for other music stars. Target audience for the magazine would be teenagers or people aged from 18 to 26 which are interested in music fashion. This impression can be gathered from the house style of the magazine, the use of contrast colours make the writing stand out in order to enlighten the audience of what is going to be present in the magazine. Furthermore the choice of main articles to place on the cover page are a range from new music stars to older which means that the target audience would get lured in by the music stars which they are more familiar in their age group.
Direct mode of address in order to engage with the reader, to gain an informal relationship with the audience seeing as they are wearing casual clothes meaning they are not looking for business but possibly just for a chat. On the front cover we have three different music stars which represent different genre of music, which could indicate the variety of genre this magazine has to offer for the audience. Additionally because there are ’10 exclusive interviews’ the central image shows the music stars from which the interviews have been take which makes it easier for the audience to who will be in the magazine without even reading the ‘buzz words’. Due to few artists being on the cover page we have 3 anchorage texts to go with the central image in addition to this the magazine relies on the audience to be familiar with the celebrities seeing as the text does not go in order with the position of the singers. However this could also have been done to show which celebrity is more popular compared to others which could explain why Jay-Z is in front of the ‘crew’.
Overall impression the artists are giving could be that they are the one of the best in the show and the fact that they are on the cover page instead of other 7 artists with featuring articles further reinforces that they are one of the best. There is a variety of groups being represented in this magazine seeing as there is a variety of music genre celebrities. This is represented by how on the cover page there are three celebrities who have their own article in the magazine furthermore each celebrity is part of a different music genre. The cover page has a few buzz words which would attract attention of the audience for example ‘Exciting People’ which is written in contrasting colours to make it stand out. Furthermore same goes for the names of celebrities which are featured in this magazine, they are written in bold letters to inform the audience what is featured in the magazine and also attract their attention. Additionally the fact that the title of the magazine is a bit covered shows that the magazine is popular and familiar to the audience also it’s only one letter which shows its simplicity and the magazine can afford to cover the title.
Title of the magazine is simple to read due to its simplicity and contrast of colours it is using, despite being covered by the central image it does not lose any audience due to its popularity and the featuring articles because the audience would mainly buy the magazine for the articles. Style of the title is simple and straight forward which means the audience would recognise it and memorise it straight away. Puffs used in this magazine ’10 exclusive interviews’ does not specialise on a certain target audience but on a variety of audience giving them a choice of celebrities best suited for their taste of music. Slogan of the magazine being ’10 most exciting people in music now’ would attract the audience’s attention by how ‘exciting people’ is outlined so the magazine is expecting different type of audience to buy their magazine due to variety of genre it has to offer. House style of the magazine mainly uses black, red and white colours in order to make it more eyes catching and not put too much pressure on the eyes for the audience, making the text stand out and simple to read. In addition I think the main strategy to attract the audience would be the variety of featuring articles it has to offer.

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